var news = new Array(); news[24] = '    12/2023  One paper accepted to IEEE INFOCOM 2024. '; news[23] = '    09/2023  One paper accepted to IEEE TVT. '; news[22] = '    08/2023  SSVS accepted to VLDB 2024. '; news[21] = '    06/2023  One paper accepted to Elsevier COMNET. '; news[20] = '    05/2023  One paper accepted to IEEE TNSE. '; news[19] = '    05/2023  Invited to be a TPC member of IEEE INFOCOM 2024. '; news[18] = '    03/2023  One paper accpeted to ACM SIGMETRICS. '; news[17] = '    03/2023  Two papers accepted to IEEE TNSE. '; news[16] = '    10/2022  Invited to be a TPC member of IEEE CLOUD 2023. '; news[15] = '    08/2022  One paper accpeted to IEEE/ACM ToN. '; news[14] = '    06/2022  One paper accpeted to IEEE/ACM ToN. '; news[13] = '    03/2022  Network-wide measurement accpeted to IEEE ICDCS. '; news[12] = '    01/2022  One paper accpeted to IEEE/ACM ToN. '; news[11] = '    11/2021  Virtual filter for non-duplicate sampling published in IEEE ICNP received the Best Paper Award. '; news[10] = '    09/2021  Self-morphing Bitmap accepted to IEEE ICDE. '; news[9] = '    07/2021  Virtual filter for non-duplicate sampling accepted to ICNP. '; news[8] = '    04/2021  One invited paper on T-queries accepted to IEEE CLOUD. '; news[7] = '    03/2021  One paper on robust task offloading accepted to TMC. '; news[6] = '    01/2021  Randomized sketches accepted to VLDB. '; news[5] = '    05/2020  PrePass accepted to COMNET. '; news[4] = '    04/2020  Sketchtree accepted to IEEE TPDS. '; news[3] = '    08/2019  I enrolled in a PhD program at UF '; news[2] = '    12/2018  One paper on integration of coflow and circuit scheduling accepted to TPDS. '; news[1] = '    05/2018  One paper on load-balancing in data and control planes accepted to COMNET. '; news[0] = '    05/2018  New homepage. Welcome! '; var maxnewscnt = 5; function showNews(partial) { len = news.length; if (partial == true) { len = Math.min (news.length, maxnewscnt); xtra='  More...'; } else { len = news.length; xtra='  Less...'; } elt = ""; for (var i=0; i < len; i++) elt = elt + news[news.length-i-1] + '\n'; elt = elt + xtra + "\n
"; document.getElementById("news").innerHTML=elt; } function init() { var partialnews = true; var url = window.location.toString(); url.match(/\?(.+)$/); var params = RegExp.$1.split("&"); for (var i=0; i